Altacal Audubon Society

Serving Butte, Glenn, and Tehama Counties of Northern California

We are dedicated to preserving and protecting birds and their habitats.

Altacal Audubon is fortunate to be located along the Pacific Flyway, a major migratory route for many birds, and centered in one of the most diversified wildlife regions in California. This unique area is rich with exemplary bird habitat, hosting abundant wintering waterfowl, native raptors, and varied terrestrial wildlife.

The diverse habitats, mild winter weather, plentiful food, and rich quantities of water, combined with the Flyway provide excellent birding opportunities with well over 300 local species. We are dedicated to preserving and protecting this wealth of birds and their habitats through education, monthly programs on birds and related topics, field trips to natural areas and wildlife refuges, outreach booths at local events, and youth outdoor education activities.

Upcoming Events

Monthly Program Meeting and Field Trip Events

Programs & Events


Altacal keeps abreast of the conservation actions and efforts of local birding and environmental groups.

Projects & Programs


Altacal members and volunteers have provided in-classroom education through entertaining and interactive presentations, and through outdoor real-life experiences. Students learn about the local birds, their habits and habitats, and how they all fit into the ecosystem.

Programs & Events


Altacal participates in various community science ventures, such as the Christmas Bird Count, the Statewide Tricolored Blackbird Survey, the Central Valley Shorebird Surveys, and the Bank Swallow Surveys. We also conduct some of our own research through projects like the Northern Saw-whet Owl Banding Program and the Butte Creek Ecological Preserve Avian Monitoring Surveys.

Projects & Programs

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Enjoy birding with other bird lovers.

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